Ronald McDonald II

The leadup to this weekend's Metro Heals breakfast at Ronald McDonald House's "Meals That Heal" was fraught with uncertainty. A menu was planned for us, but we didn't know what it was. Our team of 5 showed up at 6am yesterday to find a manila folder marked "To Metro - Recipe," left behind by a mystery chef. The instructions - "breakfast pizza bagels" - for a serving size of ~30 or more, to be ready in 2 hours. Quoted Stephen Sarmiento - "I feel like I'm in top chef right now." And thus it became... Top Chef, Metro edition. Most (but not all) ingredients were found, requiring some quick thinking to shore up the gaps, and Jamie engineered a gravy from scratch.

While Jamie was working on that, Suresh and Stephen got the meat grilling, and Marc was chopping up fruit. Later, the bagels were adorned with various fixings. It all came together in the end! One of the managers stopped by to thank us and told us that they were having trouble filling the breakfast shifts. Apparently RMHD used to have nearly 100% of its meals cooked onsite by volunteers, but all of that dipped significantly after Covid. So we are definitely helping out in an area of need.

Also, thank you to everyone who donated to the breakfast fund, it is greatly appreciated and allowed this to happen!! Stay tuned for future events.


Counting Stars


Stop the Bleed